Winning Numbers Strength for Pick-2 by Months

Strongest Winning Numbers Results for Pick-2

Strongest Winning Numbers by Month for Pick-2

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 3 46/372 12.3656 5 43/336 12.7976 1 42/372 11.2903 5 45/360 12.5000 7 47/372 12.6344 5 60/464 12.9310 4 56/496 11.2903 3 57/408 13.9706 6 43/360 11.9444 6 43/372 11.5591 2 43/360 11.9444 1 54/372 14.5161
2 5 45/372 12.0968 4 42/336 12.5000 5 41/372 11.0215 8 44/360 12.2222 5 43/372 11.5591 8 60/464 12.9310 7 52/496 10.4839 0 53/408 12.9902 8 41/360 11.3889 5 42/372 11.2903 0 43/360 11.9444 2 43/372 11.5591
3 1 43/372 11.5591 2 36/336 10.7143 6 40/372 10.7527 1 39/360 10.8333 9 40/372 10.7527 4 49/464 10.5603 3 51/496 10.2823 2 47/408 11.5196 9 39/360 10.8333 1 41/372 11.0215 3 42/360 11.6667 5 43/372 11.5591
4 0 39/372 10.4839 7 34/336 10.1190 9 39/372 10.4839 9 36/360 10.0000 2 39/372 10.4839 6 48/464 10.3448 5 50/496 10.0806 8 44/408 10.7843 5 39/360 10.8333 4 40/372 10.7527 4 40/360 11.1111 8 37/372 9.9462
5 9 38/372 10.2151 0 34/336 10.1190 3 39/372 10.4839 7 36/360 10.0000 4 38/372 10.2151 1 45/464 9.6983 2 49/496 9.8790 4 38/408 9.3137 1 37/360 10.2778 2 39/372 10.4839 9 33/360 9.1667 4 36/372 9.6774
6 4 37/372 9.9462 8 34/336 10.1190 7 38/372 10.2151 3 35/360 9.7222 8 36/372 9.6774 3 45/464 9.6983 6 49/496 9.8790 7 38/408 9.3137 4 36/360 10.0000 8 38/372 10.2151 6 33/360 9.1667 3 34/372 9.1398
7 6 35/372 9.4086 1 30/336 8.9286 2 37/372 9.9462 0 34/360 9.4444 1 33/372 8.8710 2 44/464 9.4828 1 48/496 9.6774 1 37/408 9.0686 0 35/360 9.7222 3 35/372 9.4086 7 33/360 9.1667 0 34/372 9.1398
8 2 32/372 8.6022 6 30/336 8.9286 4 33/372 8.8710 4 32/360 8.8889 3 33/372 8.8710 7 42/464 9.0517 9 48/496 9.6774 5 37/408 9.0686 3 34/360 9.4444 9 33/372 8.8710 8 32/360 8.8889 7 31/372 8.3333
9 8 30/372 8.0645 9 27/336 8.0357 0 33/372 8.8710 6 30/360 8.3333 0 33/372 8.8710 0 41/464 8.8362 8 47/496 9.4758 9 31/408 7.5980 7 34/360 9.4444 7 32/372 8.6022 5 31/360 8.6111 9 30/372 8.0645