Odd Even Strength for Ontario 49 by Years

Strongest Odd Even Results for Ontario 49

Strongest Odd Even by Year for Ontario 49

Rank Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2013 Year 2012 Year 2011 Year 2010 Year 2009 Year 2008 Year 2007 Year 2006 Year 2005 Year 2004 Year 2003 Year 2002 Year 2001
type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of %
1  even 160/315 50.7937  odd 294/525 56.0000  odd 273/520 52.5000  even 261/520 50.1923  odd 266/525 50.6667  odd 267/520 51.3462  odd 267/520 51.3462  odd 263/525 50.0952  odd 271/520 52.1154  odd 272/520 52.3077  even 271/525 51.6190  even 262/520 50.3846  even 271/525 51.6190  even 263/520 50.5769  odd 90/175 51.4286
2  odd 155/315 49.2063  even 231/525 44.0000  even 247/520 47.5000  odd 259/520 49.8077  even 259/525 49.3333  even 253/520 48.6538  even 253/520 48.6538  even 262/525 49.9048  even 249/520 47.8846  even 248/520 47.6923  odd 254/525 48.3810  odd 258/520 49.6154  odd 254/525 48.3810  odd 257/520 49.4231  even 85/175 48.5714