Odd Even Strength for Ontario 49 by Lottery Number Position

Strongest Odd Even Results for Ontario 49

Strongest Odd Even by Pos. for Ontario 49

Rank Pos. 1 Pos. 2 Pos. 3 Pos. 4 Pos. 5
type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of %
1  odd 790/1455 54.2955  even 732/1455 50.3093  even 741/1455 50.9278  odd 738/1455 50.7216  odd 735/1455 50.5155
2  even 665/1455 45.7045  odd 723/1455 49.6907  odd 714/1455 49.0722  even 717/1455 49.2784  even 720/1455 49.4845