Range Strength for Florida Lotto by Months

Strongest Ranges Results for Florida Lotto

Strongest Ranges by Month for Florida Lotto

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of %
1 4 236/1140 20.7018 2 210/1044 20.1149 4 230/1140 20.1754 4 227/1104 20.5616 1 247/1170 21.1111 4 234/1128 20.7447 1 234/1164 20.1031 4 243/1116 21.7742 2 219/1074 20.3911 3 229/1128 20.3014 3 219/1104 19.8370 3 244/1146 21.2914
2 2 223/1140 19.5614 1 206/1044 19.7318 0 221/1140 19.3860 2 219/1104 19.8370 2 233/1170 19.9145 1 222/1128 19.6809 4 232/1164 19.9313 2 224/1116 20.0717 3 204/1074 18.9944 4 229/1128 20.3014 1 210/1104 19.0217 4 227/1146 19.8080
3 1 219/1140 19.2105 3 200/1044 19.1571 2 209/1140 18.3333 1 215/1104 19.4746 4 228/1170 19.4872 2 216/1128 19.1489 3 228/1164 19.5876 1 197/1116 17.6523 1 202/1074 18.8082 2 223/1128 19.7695 4 210/1104 19.0217 2 211/1146 18.4119
4 3 208/1140 18.2456 4 197/1044 18.8697 1 207/1140 18.1579 3 202/1104 18.2971 0 208/1170 17.7778 0 198/1128 17.5532 0 220/1164 18.9003 3 197/1116 17.6523 4 196/1074 18.2495 1 212/1128 18.7943 2 206/1104 18.6594 1 208/1146 18.1501
5 0 195/1140 17.1053 0 173/1044 16.5709 3 206/1140 18.0702 0 181/1104 16.3949 3 194/1170 16.5812 3 191/1128 16.9326 2 190/1164 16.3230 0 196/1116 17.5627 0 195/1074 18.1564 0 178/1128 15.7801 0 194/1104 17.5725 0 192/1146 16.7539
6 5 59/1140 5.1754 5 58/1044 5.5556 5 67/1140 5.8772 5 60/1104 5.4348 5 60/1170 5.1282 5 67/1128 5.9397 5 60/1164 5.1546 5 59/1116 5.2867 5 58/1074 5.4004 5 57/1128 5.0532 5 65/1104 5.8877 5 64/1146 5.5846