Numerology Strength for Daily 4 by Months

Strongest Numerology Numbers Results for Daily 4

Strongest Numerology Numbers by Month for Daily 4

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 9 429/2136 20.0843 9 358/1936 18.4917 9 431/2104 20.4848 9 396/2072 19.1120 9 423/2120 19.9528 9 409/2048 19.9707 9 450/2144 20.9888 9 352/1768 19.9095 9 360/1800 20.0000 9 435/2144 20.2892 9 384/2048 18.7500 9 423/2128 19.8778
2 4 230/2136 10.7678 1 214/1936 11.0537 8 241/2104 11.4544 4 223/2072 10.7625 7 229/2120 10.8019 4 222/2048 10.8398 5 222/2144 10.3545 7 196/1768 11.0860 1 199/1800 11.0556 6 230/2144 10.7276 6 227/2048 11.0840 5 235/2128 11.0432
3 7 226/2136 10.5805 8 212/1936 10.9504 5 219/2104 10.4087 6 218/2072 10.5212 2 221/2120 10.4245 5 216/2048 10.5469 1 221/2144 10.3078 6 190/1768 10.7466 7 186/1800 10.3333 7 227/2144 10.5877 1 221/2048 10.7910 3 228/2128 10.7143
4 6 225/2136 10.5337 6 210/1936 10.8471 3 217/2104 10.3137 1 218/2072 10.5212 3 216/2120 10.1887 7 212/2048 10.3516 3 218/2144 10.1679 8 180/1768 10.1810 6 183/1800 10.1667 2 226/2144 10.5410 7 210/2048 10.2539 4 214/2128 10.0564
5 1 225/2136 10.5337 4 199/1936 10.2789 2 207/2104 9.8384 8 213/2072 10.2799 8 211/2120 9.9528 8 210/2048 10.2539 2 214/2144 9.9813 5 173/1768 9.7851 4 180/1800 10.0000 5 226/2144 10.5410 2 208/2048 10.1563 7 214/2128 10.0564
6 8 213/2136 9.9719 7 198/1936 10.2273 7 205/2104 9.7433 2 208/2072 10.0386 1 210/2120 9.9057 6 198/2048 9.6680 4 211/2144 9.8414 1 173/1768 9.7851 2 178/1800 9.8889 3 212/2144 9.8881 3 205/2048 10.0098 1 214/2128 10.0564
7 2 211/2136 9.8783 2 189/1936 9.7624 1 202/2104 9.6008 5 205/2072 9.8938 6 208/2120 9.8113 1 198/2048 9.6680 6 207/2144 9.6549 2 172/1768 9.7285 3 175/1800 9.7222 8 199/2144 9.2817 5 202/2048 9.8633 8 210/2128 9.8684
8 3 197/2136 9.2228 3 185/1936 9.5558 6 199/2104 9.4582 7 198/2072 9.5560 5 205/2120 9.6698 3 194/2048 9.4727 7 205/2144 9.5616 4 168/1768 9.5023 5 171/1800 9.5000 4 197/2144 9.1884 8 199/2048 9.7168 6 199/2128 9.3515
9 5 180/2136 8.4270 5 171/1936 8.8326 4 183/2104 8.6977 3 193/2072 9.3147 4 197/2120 9.2925 2 189/2048 9.2285 8 196/2144 9.1418 3 164/1768 9.2760 8 168/1800 9.3333 1 192/2144 8.9552 4 192/2048 9.3750 2 191/2128 8.9756