Numerology Strength for Daily 3 by Months

Strongest Numerology Numbers Results for Daily 3

Strongest Numerology Numbers by Month for Daily 3

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 9 585/2973 19.6771 9 542/2709 20.0074 9 602/2976 20.2285 9 594/2880 20.6250 9 594/2976 19.9597 9 583/2877 20.2642 9 603/2976 20.2621 9 584/2886 20.2356 9 558/2700 20.6667 9 585/2790 20.9677 9 572/2781 20.5681 9 586/2883 20.3260
2 6 323/2973 10.8644 8 306/2709 11.2957 3 321/2976 10.7863 1 300/2880 10.4167 1 337/2976 11.3239 8 305/2877 10.6013 1 321/2976 10.7863 8 306/2886 10.6029 4 287/2700 10.6296 8 301/2790 10.7885 7 299/2781 10.7515 2 305/2883 10.5793
3 5 314/2973 10.5617 4 282/2709 10.4097 2 317/2976 10.6519 2 298/2880 10.3472 4 314/2976 10.5511 4 303/2877 10.5318 3 311/2976 10.4503 3 297/2886 10.2911 3 279/2700 10.3333 6 294/2790 10.5376 5 298/2781 10.7156 3 303/2883 10.5099
4 3 308/2973 10.3599 7 276/2709 10.1883 1 305/2976 10.2487 8 288/2880 10.0000 8 308/2976 10.3495 3 299/2877 10.3928 4 307/2976 10.3159 7 295/2886 10.2218 7 278/2700 10.2963 2 287/2790 10.2867 1 292/2781 10.4998 5 302/2883 10.4752
5 1 299/2973 10.0572 5 275/2709 10.1513 5 296/2976 9.9462 3 283/2880 9.8264 5 301/2976 10.1142 7 291/2877 10.1147 6 296/2976 9.9462 6 294/2886 10.1871 8 271/2700 10.0370 5 281/2790 10.0717 6 288/2781 10.3560 7 296/2883 10.2671
6 2 292/2973 9.8217 6 271/2709 10.0037 8 292/2976 9.8118 4 282/2880 9.7917 3 300/2976 10.0806 6 284/2877 9.8714 7 293/2976 9.8454 4 288/2886 9.9792 2 267/2700 9.8889 1 280/2790 10.0358 2 267/2781 9.6009 4 291/2883 10.0937
7 7 289/2973 9.7208 2 261/2709 9.6346 4 291/2976 9.7782 6 282/2880 9.7917 7 279/2976 9.3750 2 280/2877 9.7324 2 288/2976 9.6774 1 281/2886 9.7367 5 256/2700 9.4815 3 267/2790 9.5699 4 257/2781 9.2413 1 282/2883 9.7815
8 4 283/2973 9.5190 1 254/2709 9.3762 6 277/2976 9.3078 7 281/2880 9.7569 6 278/2976 9.3414 1 271/2877 9.4195 8 282/2976 9.4758 2 274/2886 9.4941 1 256/2700 9.4815 7 261/2790 9.3548 8 257/2781 9.2413 6 269/2883 9.3306
9 8 280/2973 9.4181 3 242/2709 8.9332 7 275/2976 9.2406 5 272/2880 9.4444 2 265/2976 8.9046 5 261/2877 9.0719 5 275/2976 9.2406 5 267/2886 9.2516 6 248/2700 9.1852 4 234/2790 8.3871 3 251/2781 9.0255 8 249/2883 8.6368