Odd Even Strength for Cash Five by Years

Strongest Odd Even Results for Cash Five

Strongest Odd Even by Year for Cash Five

Rank Year 2015 Year 2014 Year 2013 Year 2012 Year 2011 Year 2010 Year 2009 Year 2008 Year 2007 Year 2006 Year 2005 Year 2004 Year 2003 Year 2002 Year 2001 Year 2000 Year 1999 Year 1998 Year 1997 Year 1996 Year 1995
type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of %
1  even 476/935 50.9091  odd 806/1565 51.5016  odd 809/1565 51.6933  odd 794/1565 50.7348  odd 788/1565 50.3514  odd 833/1565 53.2268  even 788/1565 50.3514  odd 807/1570 51.4013  odd 799/1565 51.0543  odd 797/1560 51.0897  odd 809/1565 51.6933  odd 822/1570 52.3567  odd 821/1565 52.4601  odd 650/1265 51.3834  odd 545/1045 52.1531  odd 537/1040 51.6346  odd 544/1045 52.0574  odd 558/1045 53.3971  odd 524/1040 50.3846  odd 291/580 50.1724  odd 61/115 53.0435
2  odd 459/935 49.0909  even 759/1565 48.4984  even 756/1565 48.3067  even 771/1565 49.2652  even 777/1565 49.6486  even 732/1565 46.7732  odd 777/1565 49.6486  even 763/1570 48.5987  even 766/1565 48.9457  even 763/1560 48.9103  even 756/1565 48.3067  even 748/1570 47.6433  even 744/1565 47.5399  even 615/1265 48.6166  even 500/1045 47.8469  even 503/1040 48.3654  even 501/1045 47.9426  even 487/1045 46.6029  even 516/1040 49.6154  even 289/580 49.8276  even 54/115 46.9565