Range Strength for Cash Five by Months

Strongest Ranges Results for Cash Five

Strongest Ranges by Month for Cash Five

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of %
1 1 610/2305 26.4642 1 569/2095 27.1599 2 636/2300 27.6522 1 599/2235 26.8009 2 615/2300 26.7391 1 607/2225 27.2809 2 629/2315 27.1706 2 618/2235 27.6510 1 545/2135 25.5269 2 607/2250 26.9778 2 590/2195 26.8793 2 620/2305 26.8980
2 2 594/2305 25.7701 2 566/2095 27.0167 1 618/2300 26.8696 2 576/2235 25.7718 1 603/2300 26.2174 2 590/2225 26.5169 1 609/2315 26.3067 1 588/2235 26.3087 2 538/2135 25.1991 1 573/2250 25.4667 1 589/2195 26.8337 1 590/2305 25.5965
3 0 561/2305 24.3384 0 508/2095 24.2482 0 545/2300 23.6957 0 562/2235 25.1454 0 556/2300 24.1739 3 523/2225 23.5056 0 552/2315 23.8445 0 568/2235 25.4139 3 538/2135 25.1991 0 568/2250 25.2444 0 517/2195 23.5535 0 579/2305 25.1193
4 3 540/2305 23.4273 3 452/2095 21.5752 3 501/2300 21.7826 3 498/2235 22.2819 3 526/2300 22.8696 0 505/2225 22.6966 3 525/2315 22.6782 3 461/2235 20.6264 0 514/2135 24.0749 3 502/2250 22.3111 3 499/2195 22.7335 3 516/2305 22.3861