Winning Numbers Strength for The Numbers Game by Months

Strongest Winning Numbers Results for The Numbers Game

Strongest Winning Numbers by Month for The Numbers Game

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 1 567/5208 10.8871 2 526/4736 11.1064 7 557/5228 10.6542 8 562/5128 10.9594 3 572/5328 10.7357 9 549/5252 10.4532 6 602/5700 10.5614 7 567/5456 10.3922 7 553/5284 10.4656 3 574/5460 10.5128 7 582/5296 10.9894 4 575/5472 10.5080
2 6 543/5208 10.4263 6 488/4736 10.3041 2 548/5228 10.4820 2 533/5128 10.3939 6 549/5328 10.3041 4 546/5252 10.3960 8 584/5700 10.2456 8 561/5456 10.2823 3 551/5284 10.4277 8 565/5460 10.3480 0 574/5296 10.8384 7 570/5472 10.4167
3 2 535/5208 10.2727 5 479/4736 10.1140 8 544/5228 10.4055 9 532/5128 10.3744 9 542/5328 10.1727 8 540/5252 10.2818 7 576/5700 10.1053 0 560/5456 10.2639 4 551/5284 10.4277 0 559/5460 10.2381 5 549/5296 10.3663 0 568/5472 10.3801
4 4 524/5208 10.0614 9 475/4736 10.0296 9 536/5228 10.2525 4 513/5128 10.0039 4 540/5328 10.1351 6 537/5252 10.2247 5 572/5700 10.0351 1 555/5456 10.1723 2 539/5284 10.2006 5 557/5460 10.2015 8 543/5296 10.2530 5 560/5472 10.2339
5 8 520/5208 9.9846 1 472/4736 9.9662 4 524/5228 10.0230 6 511/5128 9.9649 7 536/5328 10.0601 1 533/5252 10.1485 4 571/5700 10.0175 4 555/5456 10.1723 8 532/5284 10.0681 4 545/5460 9.9817 4 538/5296 10.1586 8 554/5472 10.1243
6 7 513/5208 9.8502 3 471/4736 9.9451 6 524/5228 10.0230 1 510/5128 9.9454 8 522/5328 9.7973 3 531/5252 10.1104 2 569/5700 9.9825 3 547/5456 10.0257 5 531/5284 10.0492 1 543/5460 9.9451 2 519/5296 9.7998 2 543/5472 9.9232
7 3 513/5208 9.8502 7 464/4736 9.7973 3 519/5228 9.9273 5 503/5128 9.8089 1 521/5328 9.7785 5 525/5252 9.9962 0 564/5700 9.8947 2 543/5456 9.9523 6 522/5284 9.8789 9 543/5460 9.9451 9 510/5296 9.6299 6 537/5472 9.8136
8 9 511/5208 9.8118 4 460/4736 9.7128 0 518/5228 9.9082 3 502/5128 9.7894 0 517/5328 9.7035 7 522/5252 9.9391 1 562/5700 9.8596 5 536/5456 9.8240 0 513/5284 9.7086 6 534/5460 9.7802 3 501/5296 9.4600 9 533/5472 9.7405
9 0 494/5208 9.4854 0 452/4736 9.5439 1 487/5228 9.3152 0 494/5128 9.6334 2 515/5328 9.6659 0 494/5252 9.4059 3 554/5700 9.7193 9 519/5456 9.5125 9 501/5284 9.4815 2 533/5460 9.7619 6 499/5296 9.4222 3 523/5472 9.5577