Winning Numbers Strength for Play 4 by Months

Strongest Winning Numbers Results for Play 4

Strongest Winning Numbers by Month for Play 4

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 9 403/3844 10.4839 9 389/3500 11.1143 2 415/3844 10.7960 3 416/3720 11.1828 8 412/3896 10.5749 4 408/3840 10.6250 0 427/4056 10.5276 6 409/3844 10.6400 6 382/3720 10.2688 1 397/3844 10.3278 3 409/3720 10.9946 1 415/3840 10.8073
2 3 401/3844 10.4318 1 378/3500 10.8000 1 413/3844 10.7440 5 393/3720 10.5645 4 407/3896 10.4466 2 403/3840 10.4948 7 421/4056 10.3797 2 408/3844 10.6139 1 381/3720 10.2419 5 396/3844 10.3018 1 392/3720 10.5376 3 401/3840 10.4427
3 7 399/3844 10.3798 4 360/3500 10.2857 3 409/3844 10.6400 2 390/3720 10.4839 0 406/3896 10.4209 3 394/3840 10.2604 1 412/4056 10.1578 8 396/3844 10.3018 0 379/3720 10.1882 7 392/3844 10.1977 6 389/3720 10.4570 9 388/3840 10.1042
4 6 398/3844 10.3538 5 360/3500 10.2857 0 385/3844 10.0156 7 385/3720 10.3495 9 392/3896 10.0616 7 386/3840 10.0521 2 408/4056 10.0592 7 395/3844 10.2758 8 379/3720 10.1882 4 390/3844 10.1457 4 382/3720 10.2688 5 387/3840 10.0781
5 5 382/3844 9.9376 8 354/3500 10.1143 7 384/3844 9.9896 8 372/3720 10.0000 3 386/3896 9.9076 0 383/3840 9.9740 6 407/4056 10.0345 5 391/3844 10.1717 9 376/3720 10.1075 8 390/3844 10.1457 0 364/3720 9.7849 0 385/3840 10.0260
6 4 379/3844 9.8595 2 349/3500 9.9714 8 384/3844 9.9896 4 364/3720 9.7849 6 384/3896 9.8563 9 379/3840 9.8698 4 406/4056 10.0099 4 388/3844 10.0937 4 369/3720 9.9194 0 388/3844 10.0937 8 360/3720 9.6774 8 382/3840 9.9479
7 0 376/3844 9.7815 7 334/3500 9.5429 4 377/3844 9.8075 9 354/3720 9.5161 5 380/3896 9.7536 8 377/3840 9.8177 3 404/4056 9.9606 3 372/3844 9.6774 5 367/3720 9.8656 3 383/3844 9.9636 2 359/3720 9.6505 4 377/3840 9.8177
8 1 372/3844 9.6774 0 331/3500 9.4571 9 368/3844 9.5734 0 353/3720 9.4892 2 377/3896 9.6766 1 371/3840 9.6615 9 396/4056 9.7633 0 371/3844 9.6514 7 366/3720 9.8387 9 379/3844 9.8595 9 358/3720 9.6237 7 374/3840 9.7396
9 2 367/3844 9.5473 6 328/3500 9.3714 5 359/3844 9.3392 1 352/3720 9.4624 7 376/3896 9.6509 6 370/3840 9.6354 8 389/4056 9.5907 1 363/3844 9.4433 2 362/3720 9.7312 2 375/3844 9.7555 7 355/3720 9.5430 2 369/3840 9.6094