Winning Numbers Strength for Pick 4 by Months

Strongest Winning Numbers Results for Pick 4

Strongest Winning Numbers by Month for Pick 4

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 0 390/3684 10.5863 1 369/3348 11.0215 2 392/3644 10.7574 4 396/3552 11.1486 2 393/3712 10.5873 9 374/3600 10.3889 4 394/3712 10.6142 2 380/3548 10.7103 5 369/3360 10.9821 6 372/3464 10.7390 3 359/3368 10.6591 3 360/3416 10.5386
2 2 389/3684 10.5592 9 367/3348 10.9618 6 389/3644 10.6751 7 371/3552 10.4448 9 391/3712 10.5334 8 374/3600 10.3889 3 382/3712 10.2909 4 380/3548 10.7103 1 349/3360 10.3869 7 366/3464 10.5658 1 355/3368 10.5404 5 359/3416 10.5094
3 5 378/3684 10.2606 0 344/3348 10.2748 9 383/3644 10.5104 1 361/3552 10.1633 1 390/3712 10.5065 6 363/3600 10.0833 1 379/3712 10.2101 7 361/3548 10.1747 9 349/3360 10.3869 1 358/3464 10.3349 6 351/3368 10.4216 2 346/3416 10.1288
4 9 376/3684 10.2063 8 339/3348 10.1254 3 378/3644 10.3732 8 358/3552 10.0788 6 386/3712 10.3987 2 362/3600 10.0556 0 378/3712 10.1832 1 357/3548 10.0620 3 349/3360 10.3869 3 351/3464 10.1328 4 346/3368 10.2732 8 345/3416 10.0995
5 6 371/3684 10.0706 3 337/3348 10.0657 5 363/3644 9.9616 2 350/3552 9.8536 4 380/3712 10.2371 7 361/3600 10.0278 9 377/3712 10.1563 5 356/3548 10.0338 6 338/3360 10.0595 8 349/3464 10.0751 0 336/3368 9.9762 7 343/3416 10.0410
6 3 363/3684 9.8534 7 336/3348 10.0358 4 360/3644 9.8793 3 350/3552 9.8536 5 375/3712 10.1024 4 359/3600 9.9722 7 377/3712 10.1563 8 355/3548 10.0056 7 333/3360 9.9107 0 341/3464 9.8441 7 335/3368 9.9466 6 341/3416 9.9824
7 1 362/3684 9.8263 4 333/3348 9.9462 0 358/3644 9.8244 5 348/3552 9.7973 7 356/3712 9.5905 5 358/3600 9.9444 2 370/3712 9.9677 6 353/3548 9.9493 0 333/3360 9.9107 5 338/3464 9.7575 8 332/3368 9.8575 9 337/3416 9.8653
8 4 356/3684 9.6634 2 316/3348 9.4385 8 348/3644 9.5499 6 345/3552 9.7128 8 352/3712 9.4828 1 351/3600 9.7500 8 359/3712 9.6713 9 344/3548 9.6956 2 319/3360 9.4940 4 334/3464 9.6420 9 328/3368 9.7387 4 333/3416 9.7482
9 7 351/3684 9.5277 6 305/3348 9.1099 7 344/3644 9.4402 9 339/3552 9.5439 0 347/3712 9.3481 0 350/3600 9.7222 6 350/3712 9.4289 3 335/3548 9.4419 4 319/3360 9.4940 2 330/3464 9.5266 5 324/3368 9.6200 0 332/3416 9.7190