Numerology Strength for Pick 3 by Months

Strongest Numerology Numbers Results for Pick 3

Strongest Numerology Numbers by Month for Pick 3

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 9 608/3117 19.5059 9 576/2826 20.3822 9 639/3099 20.6196 9 593/3021 19.6293 9 642/3189 20.1317 9 588/3078 19.1033 9 619/3198 19.3558 9 602/2925 20.5812 9 611/2892 21.1272 9 582/3054 19.0570 9 627/3006 20.8583 9 614/3111 19.7364
2 4 332/3117 10.6513 7 308/2826 10.8988 8 321/3099 10.3582 1 343/3021 11.3539 8 361/3189 11.3202 6 350/3078 11.3710 7 346/3198 10.8193 1 304/2925 10.3932 4 316/2892 10.9267 8 333/3054 10.9037 1 318/3006 10.5788 3 350/3111 11.2504
3 7 326/3117 10.4588 5 297/2826 10.5096 2 320/3099 10.3259 4 320/3021 10.5925 7 347/3189 10.8812 8 322/3078 10.4613 1 336/3198 10.5066 7 302/2925 10.3248 8 297/2892 10.2697 2 323/3054 10.5763 7 310/3006 10.3127 8 321/3111 10.3182
4 2 324/3117 10.3946 4 293/2826 10.3680 7 319/3099 10.2936 6 307/3021 10.1622 5 320/3189 10.0345 1 316/3078 10.2664 8 325/3198 10.1626 3 299/2925 10.2222 6 288/2892 9.9585 6 318/3054 10.4126 3 305/3006 10.1464 2 312/3111 10.0289
5 1 323/3117 10.3625 1 286/2826 10.1203 3 315/3099 10.1646 7 306/3021 10.1291 4 309/3189 9.6896 2 313/3078 10.1689 5 321/3198 10.0375 5 296/2925 10.1197 7 280/2892 9.6819 3 310/3054 10.1506 4 304/3006 10.1131 5 311/3111 9.9968
6 8 319/3117 10.2342 8 272/2826 9.6249 1 309/3099 9.9710 8 299/3021 9.8974 1 309/3189 9.6896 3 312/3078 10.1365 4 318/3198 9.9437 6 287/2925 9.8120 5 279/2892 9.6473 5 310/3054 10.1506 2 304/3006 10.1131 4 309/3111 9.9325
7 6 309/3117 9.9134 6 269/2826 9.5188 4 303/3099 9.7773 2 290/3021 9.5995 3 305/3189 9.5641 5 299/3078 9.7141 6 318/3198 9.9437 2 285/2925 9.7436 1 277/2892 9.5781 4 302/3054 9.8887 8 284/3006 9.4478 6 303/3111 9.7396
8 5 297/3117 9.5284 2 263/2826 9.3064 6 302/3099 9.7451 3 283/3021 9.3678 2 300/3189 9.4073 4 289/3078 9.3892 2 318/3198 9.9437 4 275/2925 9.4017 2 277/2892 9.5781 7 300/3054 9.8232 5 277/3006 9.2149 1 301/3111 9.6753
9 3 279/3117 8.9509 3 262/2826 9.2711 5 271/3099 8.7448 5 280/3021 9.2685 6 296/3189 9.2819 7 289/3078 9.3892 3 297/3198 9.2871 8 275/2925 9.4017 3 267/2892 9.2324 1 276/3054 9.0373 6 277/3006 9.2149 7 290/3111 9.3218