Odd Even Strength for Pick 3 by Months

Strongest Odd Even Results for Pick 3

Strongest Odd Even by Month for Pick 3

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of %
1  even 1424/2763 51.5382  odd 1277/2514 50.7955  odd 1456/2772 52.5253  odd 1358/2664 50.9760  even 1397/2784 50.1796  odd 1354/2700 50.1481  even 1399/2784 50.2514  even 1297/2577 50.3298  even 1282/2520 50.8730  even 1335/2598 51.3857  even 1282/2526 50.7522  even 1341/2562 52.3419
2  odd 1339/2763 48.4618  even 1237/2514 49.2045  even 1316/2772 47.4747  even 1306/2664 49.0240  odd 1387/2784 49.8204  even 1346/2700 49.8519  odd 1385/2784 49.7486  odd 1280/2577 49.6702  odd 1238/2520 49.1270  odd 1263/2598 48.6143  odd 1244/2526 49.2478  odd 1221/2562 47.6581