Range Strength for Megabucks Doubler by Months

Strongest Ranges Results for Megabucks Doubler

Strongest Ranges by Month for Megabucks Doubler

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of % range out of %
1 2 440/1704 25.8216 1 396/1548 25.5814 2 402/1698 23.6749 1 397/1650 24.0606 2 416/1698 24.4994 2 396/1644 24.0876 2 426/1716 24.8252 1 390/1674 23.2975 2 421/1614 26.0843 1 427/1674 25.5078 2 404/1632 24.7549 2 417/1698 24.5583
2 1 417/1704 24.4718 2 376/1548 24.2894 1 399/1698 23.4982 3 386/1650 23.3939 1 396/1698 23.3216 0 382/1644 23.2360 1 401/1716 23.3683 2 389/1674 23.2378 1 373/1614 23.1103 2 398/1674 23.7754 1 374/1632 22.9167 3 390/1698 22.9682
3 0 375/1704 22.0070 3 333/1548 21.5116 3 392/1698 23.0860 2 372/1650 22.5455 3 372/1698 21.9081 1 374/1644 22.7494 3 386/1716 22.4942 0 386/1674 23.0585 0 357/1614 22.1190 0 392/1674 23.4170 3 374/1632 22.9167 0 384/1698 22.6148
4 3 334/1704 19.6009 0 317/1548 20.4780 0 377/1698 22.2026 0 364/1650 22.0606 0 369/1698 21.7314 3 354/1644 21.5328 0 361/1716 21.0373 3 380/1674 22.7001 3 348/1614 21.5613 3 345/1674 20.6093 0 353/1632 21.6299 1 368/1698 21.6726
5 4 138/1704 8.0986 4 126/1548 8.1395 4 128/1698 7.5383 4 131/1650 7.9394 4 145/1698 8.5395 4 138/1644 8.3942 4 142/1716 8.2751 4 129/1674 7.7061 4 115/1614 7.1252 4 112/1674 6.6906 4 127/1632 7.7819 4 139/1698 8.1861