Odd Even Strength for Classic Lotto by Lottery Number Position

Strongest Odd Even Results for Classic Lotto

Strongest Odd Even by Pos. for Classic Lotto

Rank Pos. 1 Pos. 2 Pos. 3 Pos. 4 Pos. 5 Pos. 6
type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of % type out of %
1  odd 695/1333 52.1380  even 686/1333 51.4629  even 677/1333 50.7877  even 674/1333 50.5626  odd 688/1333 51.6129  odd 691/1333 51.8380
2  even 638/1333 47.8620  odd 647/1333 48.5371  odd 656/1333 49.2123  odd 659/1333 49.4374  even 645/1333 48.3871  even 642/1333 48.1620