Numerology Strength for All or Nothing by Months

Strongest Numerology Numbers Results for All or Nothing

Strongest Numerology Numbers by Month for All or Nothing

Rank Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12
num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of % num. out of %
1 2 524/3888 13.4774 6 444/3456 12.8472 2 491/3744 13.1143 2 479/3744 12.7938 3 503/3840 13.0990 6 380/2796 13.5908 4 347/2592 13.3873 1 206/1572 13.1043 5 423/3312 12.7717 1 512/3888 13.1687 4 474/3696 12.8247 4 495/3792 13.0538
2 1 504/3888 12.9630 5 433/3456 12.5289 6 471/3744 12.5801 3 476/3744 12.7137 2 491/3840 12.7865 2 363/2796 12.9828 6 334/2592 12.8858 6 205/1572 13.0407 2 414/3312 12.5000 6 498/3888 12.8086 3 469/3696 12.6894 2 492/3792 12.9747
3 6 492/3888 12.6543 4 432/3456 12.5000 4 468/3744 12.5000 5 474/3744 12.6603 6 490/3840 12.7604 4 352/2796 12.5894 2 323/2592 12.4614 5 199/1572 12.6590 6 413/3312 12.4698 2 489/3888 12.5772 2 466/3696 12.6082 6 487/3792 12.8428
4 4 475/3888 12.2171 1 428/3456 12.3843 3 457/3744 12.2062 1 464/3744 12.3932 5 473/3840 12.3177 3 344/2796 12.3033 3 320/2592 12.3457 4 197/1572 12.5318 3 410/3312 12.3792 5 478/3888 12.2942 6 464/3696 12.5541 1 470/3792 12.3945
5 3 455/3888 11.7027 2 425/3456 12.2975 1 446/3744 11.9124 6 463/3744 12.3665 4 469/3840 12.2135 5 343/2796 12.2675 5 312/2592 12.0370 2 190/1572 12.0865 1 404/3312 12.1981 3 472/3888 12.1399 5 457/3696 12.3647 5 457/3792 12.0517
6 5 449/3888 11.5484 3 423/3456 12.2396 5 436/3744 11.6453 4 456/3744 12.1795 1 468/3840 12.1875 1 341/2796 12.1960 1 305/2592 11.7670 3 181/1572 11.5140 4 398/3312 12.0169 4 465/3888 11.9599 1 446/3696 12.0671 3 453/3792 11.9462
7 9 333/3888 8.5648 8 305/3456 8.8252 7 326/3744 8.7073 9 321/3744 8.5737 9 329/3840 8.5677 8 235/2796 8.4049 9 234/2592 9.0278 8 137/1572 8.7150 8 296/3312 8.9372 9 338/3888 8.6934 8 317/3696 8.5768 8 323/3792 8.5179
8 7 332/3888 8.5391 7 284/3456 8.2176 8 326/3744 8.7073 8 310/3744 8.2799 8 320/3840 8.3333 7 224/2796 8.0114 8 209/2592 8.0633 7 130/1572 8.2697 7 279/3312 8.4239 8 337/3888 8.6677 9 315/3696 8.5227 7 313/3792 8.2542
9 8 324/3888 8.3333 9 282/3456 8.1597 9 323/3744 8.6271 7 301/3744 8.0395 7 297/3840 7.7344 9 214/2796 7.6538 7 208/2592 8.0247 9 127/1572 8.0789 9 275/3312 8.3031 7 299/3888 7.6903 7 288/3696 7.7922 9 302/3792 7.9641